UPSC Prelims All India Mock Test (705PT-25) is a comprehensive all-topic exam. This full-length mock exam (100 questions in 120 minutes) in a timed environment will cover all sections like History, Geography, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, Science, Technology, Culture, Environment, Current affairs etc.… Take me to this exam
UPSC Prelims Paid Online Mock Tests
GS All Topics – UPSC Prelims All India Mock Test (704PT-25)
UPSC Prelims All India Mock Test (704PT) is a comprehensive all-topic exam. This full-length mock exam (100 questions in 120 minutes) in a timed environment will cover all sections like History, Geography, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, Science, Technology, Culture, Environment, Current affairs etc.… Take me to this exam
CSAT (GS Paper 2) – UPSC Prelims All India Mock Test (601PT)
This full-length test (80 questions in 120 minutes) in a timed environment is a unique opportunity for aspirants to assess their potential against the model questions for CSAT (Prelims GS Paper 2). You will get the answer keys of this CSAT paper once you submit.… Take me to this exam
Current Affairs – UPSC Prelims All India Mock Test (803PT-25)
This Current Affairs Mock Test by ClearIAS (803PT) is a unique opportunity not only to test your knowledge about current events of national and international importance but also to learn quickly the most probable questions for UPSC CSE Prelims (100 questions in 120 minutes).… Take me to this exam
GS All Topics – UPSC Prelims All India Mock Test (703PT-25)
UPSC Prelims All India Mock Test (703PT-25) is a comprehensive all-topic exam. This full-length mock exam (100 questions in 120 minutes) in a timed environment will cover all sections like History, Geography, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, Science, Technology, Culture, Environment, Current affairs etc.… Take me to this exam
GS All Topics – UPSC Prelims All India Mock Test (702PT-25)
UPSC Prelims All India Mock Test (702PT) is a comprehensive all-topic exam. This full-length mock exam (100 questions in 120 minutes) in a timed environment will cover all sections like History, Geography, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, Science, Technology, Culture, Environment, Current affairs etc.… Take me to this exam
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