A ClearIAS mock test is not just another UPSC Prelims model exam. It’s much more than that. It’s a new way of learning. It’s part of the ClearIAS test-based approach to clear IAS by self-study. Last but not least, our approach has helped many aspirants to clear IAS with flying colours!
Performance Analysis Module of ClearIAS
These links will get automatically updated each time you take a mock test.
- Answer Keys and Detailed Solutions – Answer Keys and Detailed Solutions of each test taken.
- Performance: Exam Overview – List of mock tests and progress reports.
- Marks: Correct Answers vs Time – Get answer keys and explanations.
- Proficiency: Strong vs Weak Areas – Identify your strong and weak areas.
- Charts: Subject-wise performance – Subject-wise attempts-graphs.
- Summary: Track Your Usage – Overall details of usage.
- Rank-list of mock exams – Know the toppers.
- Announcements and Offers – New offers and updates.
ClearIAS Test-based approach to stay focused and learn faster!
ClearIAS Prelims Test Series is our specially designed online program to help aspirants clear IAS by self-study. ClearIAS mock test series integrates learning with test-taking.
Specialised Training to face the challenges of the UPSC Exam
ClearIAS follow a highly successful Test-based Approach, in which we help aspirants learn the most probable topics for the UPSC exam by taking mock exams. 40 online mock exams in ClearIAS Prelims Test Series are briefly divided as below:
- 8 NCERT-based exams (subject-wise)
- 7 Standard Textbook-based exams (subject-wise)
- 7 Current Affairs exams (dedicated mock exams for current affairs)
- 18 Full-Topic GS exams (which cover the whole UPSC syllabus)
- 5 Full-Topic CSAT exams (which cover the whole UPSC syllabus)
We follow a highly flexible timetable. Aspirants, once joined, can take exams at any time convenient before the next Prelims.
Value-addition products/services for FREE!
Apart from online mock exams, you will also get a bundle of value-added materials worth more than Rs.5000 absolutely FREE:
- ClearIAS Intelligent Elimination Techniques Video Class: FREE access to a Video Course of 20 ClearIAS Intelligent Elimination Techniques (IET) worth Rs.2000.
- ClearIAS Most Probable Prelims Questions PDF Set: FREE access to 2000 ClearIAS Most Probable Prelims Questions (CMPPQ) worth Rs.2000.
- ClearIAS Current Affairs Capsules PDF Set: FREE access to the latest ClearIAS Current Affairs Capsules (Monthly MCQs PDF Sets) worth Rs.1000.
- Expert guidance from Alex Sir: Mentorship via email from the expert team led by civil Services trainer and author, Alex Andrews George (Founder and Director of ClearIAS).
- Priority Support: Connect with us over email (contactus[at]clearias.com) for any queries.
- Timetable and Study Plan: You will get a highly useful study plan to cover the UPSC Prelims syllabus multiple times within a short time.
Subscribe to the ClearIAS test series and get the premium benefits!
Timetable and Study Plan
We focus on fast learning through MCQs – based on a top-notch timetable – which in turn will help you increase your prelims marks by a big margin!
Yes, ClearIAS has re-defined the preparation strategies for IAS Exam!
Do you know what is the most important reason why the majority of aspirants fail in UPSC CSE Prelims?
Absence of right guidance.
It is the lack of proper mentorship and practice that most aspirants to fail to cross the cut-off of UPSC CSE Prelims.
However, quality mentorship is extremely rare to get these days.
As you may know, all mentorships are not equal.
What makes ClearIAS special: Expert mentor Mr. Alex Andrews George
There are very few mentors in India who can match the credibility of Mr. Alex Andrews George, founder and director of ClearIAS.
He is one of the expert Civil Service Exam trainers in India and the author of multiple best-seller books loved by UPSC aspirants.
Mr. Alex had an excellent track record when he was a UPSC CSE aspirant. He qualified 5 UPSC CSE Prelims in a row, wrote 5 UPSC CSE Mains, and attended 3 UPSC CSE Interviews.
ClearIAS Prelims Online Mock Test Series is developed under the leadership of Mr Alex Andrews George.
Learn the most probable questions for Prelims
ClearIAS Team has a special knack for selecting the most probable questions for each year. No wonder, we repeat success year after year.
As many of you may already know, a lot of questions in actual UPSC CSE Prelims could have been answered from ClearIAS Test Series!
Go through the below comparison to get an idea.
- UPSC 2020 vs ClearIAS 2020 – Questions Comparison
- UPSC 2019 vs ClearIAS 2019 – Questions Comparison
- UPSC 2018 vs ClearIAS 2018 – Questions Comparison
- UPSC 2017 vs ClearIAS 2017 – Questions Comparison
- UPSC 2016 vs ClearIAS 2016 – Questions Comparison
Understand how to perform in a time-constrained exam hall environment
Pirated photostats or PDFs can never be substitutes for real-time exam practice. Only when tested in an atmosphere with negative marking, timer, and performance analysis, you can improve your ability to deliver in the actual exam hall.
Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect. – Vince Lombardi.
Register and log in now to take our free and paid prelims mock tests, in a pan-India exam environment.
Isn’t it thrilling to learn and compete with thousands of aspirants across India in real time?
Get Instant Access to All Already Uploaded Mock Exams!
Once you enroll in ClearIAS Prelims Online Mock Test Series, you would get instant access to all already uploaded mock exams (in the series). Yes, you can join now!
Get Automatic Access to All Upcoming Mock Exams!
Once you enroll in ClearIAS Prelims Online Mock Test Series, you would get automatic access to all already uploaded mock exams (in the series), without individual payments. You can practice prelims mocks any time until the preliminary exam day.
Take Exams at any time convenient for you!
Even though ClearIAS provides a timetable to help you remain focused, you are free to take exams at your convenience. Once enrolled, you can take exams at any time convenient for you.
Pan-India competition!
We provide an innovative platform to grade your preparation levels by competing with peers. ClearIAS Mock Test platform is one of the largest mock test platforms in India for UPSC, with 3,00,000+ registered aspirants.
Hundreds of aspirants are newly registering every day.
Judge the pan-India competition based on the detailed rank-list available on full-test-basis as well as subject basis. Users can compare various parameters like time spent and the number of correct answers.
Learn Fast! Save Time!
Traditional preparation takes a lot of time and effort. Often aspirants will not have many ideas about where to start and what to study. We at Clear IAS™ have always tried to make things simple for you. Our online mock tests too would be designed in such a way that you can learn complicated subjects in a quick time. Unique questions and their detailed explanations help you easily understand confusing areas from each topic – be it Ancient India (History), Ocean Currents (Geography), Parliament (Polity) or Budget (Economics).
Timed Online Mock Tests
Only if tested in a timed format simulating exam conditions with negative marking, candidates will be able to perform to the best of their abilities during the actual exam. Our mock tests will give aspirants a clear idea regarding UPSC standards. The tests will also help candidates to correct their mistakes and develop crucial strategies. Tests are designed in such a way that even beginners can start taking mock exams right from day one.
List of Mock Exams to be completed in “My Account”
We upload tests sticking to a schedule, but once tests are uploaded, aspirants can take tests at their convenience – at any time they wish! Mock tests will remain available in each user account without any expiry date during the subscription period. The list of prelims mock tests to be completed can be accessed from the performance overview link, once paid.
Detailed solutions and explanations for future reference!
Answer keys and explanations will be displayed on the final result page within 2-3 minutes after each test. This will also be available for each user accounts under the performance overview link (My Account ⇒ performance overview ⇒ completed exams ⇒ results ⇒ details ⇒ view) for future reference.
Get Performance Analysis Reports!
Clear IAS Exam UPSC Prelims Mock Tests will also provide a detailed analysis of the aspirant’s performance. Your progress report (with a lot of many statistics) would help you understand your strengths and weakness. You can find your marks, grade, time used, skills etc. in your dashboard to track your progress. When we conduct all India online mock exams, you will get opportunities to benchmark yourself by comparing with others on an all-India platform. Compete, learn, analyze and clear IAS! Excited?
Topic Tests, Subject Tests, Previous Year Prelims Tests, and All India Tests
New tests will be added regularly that will deal with specific topics (Eg: Parliament), individual subjects (Eg: Polity), previous year prelims (Eg: 2013 Prelims timed-re-take!) and the whole syllabus (Eg: All India mock tests). We cover the whole UPSC syllabus simulating exact exam conditions. Take a free trial of Clear IAS Exam Mock Tests and feel the quality of our questions!
Facility to buy as a complete package or as separate tests!
Apart from providing an innovative platform for pan-India competition and exam performance analysis, this is another area where we have bought a revolution. Aspirants have two options to access the Clear IAS Exam online mock test series for UPSC Prelims: Either
- Take individual prelims mock tests separately for Rs. 400 each using the buttons on the respective mock test pages. OR
- Enroll in ClearIAS Prelims Online Test Series (Complete Package) for just
Rs. 9999Rs. 4999 to get access to 40 mock tests, ie. not only the existing scheduled tests but also all the future UPSC prelims model tests uploaded on this website (popular choice).
♥ Loved by 3,00,000+ Registered Aspirants. Trusted By Toppers!
Limited Period Offer: If you enroll now in the ClearIAS Prelims Online Test series you will get access to 45 full-length all-India mock tests at just Rs. 9999 Rs. 4999 (inclusive of all taxes). This means you get the benefit of:
- Instant access to all the uploaded paid-mock tests on this website – even at midnight!
- Automatic access to all upcoming paid-mock tests in Prelims Test Series, without any additional individual payments!
- Flexibility to attempt exams in ClearIAS Prelims Test Series at any time convenient for you, until the date of the next Prelims, when the validity expires.)
Tests can be paid through debit card, credit card or net banking. Once the payment happens through the payment gateway (hardly takes 2-3 minutes), users will be redirected back to the corresponding tests with instant access. Sounds great, huh?
Learning Zone: Answer key with explanations in your account for future reference
We have given high importance to the learning aspect of our test series. Most answers will be provided with an explanation which will help aspirants learn the concepts behind the question. Solutions to each test will appear on the same screen within 2-3 minutes after the test. The same can also be accessed from the ‘performance analysis‘ link under respective registered user accounts for future reference.
Deliver in the exam hall!
What matters in the IAS exam is not what you know, but how you deliver in the exam hall on the exam day. Only when tested in an exam atmosphere with negative markings, you can assess and improve your ability to deliver in the actual exam hall. We have observed many aspirants with good knowledge fumble at the exam hall, the reason being the lack of practice. Quality practice increases your chance of clearing UPSC Prelims exponentially.
Questions from the right sources!
Clear IAS Exam online mock tests are set by the same team behind clearias.com who know the latest trends. We plan to include in this test series, the best questions that can be asked from NCERT, NIOS, IGNOU, IAS textbooks and all major online and offline study materials in the market from which questions are asked in the UPSC exams.
Save Time!
ClearIAS Team has been putting all the hard work and pain into creating the best possible questions in our online tests to make our product a complete self-study package. This means that aspirants can save a lot of time and effort while doing their preparation. You can learn fast as almost all the important areas would be selected and presented before you in a quick-to-learn format.
A new way of learning!
We are not just equipping students to face the UPSC exam by simulating exam conditions. What we are presenting is a new way of learning. Register and log in to feel the difference! All the best! Clear IAS Exam!
PS: Refer to our FAQ section if you need more information about the ClearIAS online mock test series.
Don’t miss: Important Links
- Practice 60+ Online Mock Exams in the ClearIAS Platform
- Download ClearIAS Prelims Test Series Timetable
- Buy Prelims Mock Exam Packages
- Answer Keys
- Features
- All India Rank List
- Performance Analysis
- Value-Added Services
- How to join the ClearIAS Test Series?
- Reviews
- Announcements
- More Online Exams…
- More Online Courses…
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